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Complaints Management Policy

Here at Bayway Building Surveying, our commitment to our customers extends through to our complaints management procedures, with all complaints and service issues thoroughly investigated and documented with all parties involved. This policy applies to all activities and processes associated within the normal operation of Bayway Building Surveying Pty Ltd. Complaints Process: Complete all details on our Complaints Form and email to Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged then allocated to a staff member for assessment. Depending on the nature of the complaint, you may be asked to provide further evidence, or a site visit may be arranged. Our assessment process will involve the following stages: *All evidence will be gathered and assessed, and relevent issues identified. *Technical aspects are reviewed by the RBS *If non-compliant building work that needs to be brought into compliance is identified, we are likely to inspect and issue the relevent stop work or building notices as required. If there is any life safety issue that requires urgent attention, the complaint will be prioritised. We are unable to provide timeframes regarding resolving complaints. However, in all cases we will do our best to respond as soon as reasonably possible. Timothy McMahon Director Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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